Students need to be aware that they will be posting their idea out onto a shared platform. The use of this platform allows for the magic of collaboration to happen. However students need to be respectful of the fact that your post on UpRising will be viewed by professionals and communities from lots of different industries, from all around Australia. The nature and culture of UpRising is therefore geared to promote positivity and inclusivity. Students are asked not just to follow these guidelines, but to promote such a culture within their own communities.
Students need to use the proforma below when writing their posts. Students are reminded NOT to use their full name when making their Username. Students must only use their school email address when making an account. They are NOT to use personal email addresses and are NOT to use their full name or their school name anywhere in their post. Students also must NOT use any images other then the ones they have generated themselves.
Students need to;
Students need to register and make a User name so that they can login and create their post. To sign up click here, remember not to use your full name, when making your user name.
Write a catchy heading that states a benefit of your major design project
Outline the Problem you are trying to solve and what the Solution will try and do
Clearly state what you need help with 'The Ask' - outline clearly and simply what it is that you need.
Use #tags to help businesses and community quickly identify the context of your design project
Example of a post..
‘Ocean Access For All’
Many people who use a wheelchair can not access recreational facilities. My goal is to allow everyone to access the ocean water in a safe way. Looking for supporters who work with outdoor flooring materials. #accessibility #disabilities #environment #wellbeing #engineering
Many of the businesses and communities will view your post who work in innovative organisations. Think carefully about what you most need them to know about what you are trying to do, in order for your Project to be supported.
Be as specific as possible with your ‘ask’, as busy people are more likely to help if they can easily understand what you are doing and can easily share it with others with knowledge and expertise.
Please Note
Your Post has a limit of 100 characters
You must use your own generated interesting image. Do not use any image from the internet, even if it says it is loyalty free.
Add links if helpful
Hashtags are not part of the word count and are helpful when others are searching through all the design projects, (use them to help people find your POST and know the context of your project)
Check grammar and spelling
Be careful as the heading and image become embedded in social media after the post is shared so choose wisely. You can change the image later on, in fact people love seeing your project change and develop, so create a montage of images as your project develops.
Unlimited edits can be made to your POST. Click on your profile in ‘My Posts’ in the menu after you have logged in and edit your POST as many times as you like to show your changes to your project. Supporters also love to see your project develop, so think about updating your image or even better make a collage of shots along the way.